Thursday, July 14, 2011

Five Drinks to Help You Lose Weight

Five Drinks to Help You Lose Weight

The secret to losing weight isn’t just watching what’s on your plate; it’s also about watching what’s in your glass. Popular soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks can be loaded with added sugars and carbohydrates that can sabotage your weight-loss strategy. Here are five tasty ways to drink up without packing on the pounds.

1. Water

We all know this one, but it’s important to remember that water is the single best choice for effective weight loss. Whether it’s still or sparkling, aim to make water your go-to beverage choice. Think water is boring? Try adding fresh lemon slices, lime, cucumber, and even a slice of tomato to add flavor without adding many calories.

2. Vegetable juice

Whether in a can, bottled, or homemade, vegetable juice is an excellent way to get the fiber and nutrients your body needs to fuel your weight loss. If you can find a low-sodium variety, even better. The veggies will keep you fuller longer and the tangy flavor will keep your taste buds happy.

3. Unsweetened tea

Green tea has been proven to help boost metabolism and speed up weight loss. Try it hot or iced with a bit of honey for a low-sugar sweet drink. Don’t forget black and oolong teas, too! Both are filled with antioxidants, which can help rid your body of toxins.

4. Black coffee

A morning cup of tea or an afternoon iced coffee can help spur your weight loss by providing a boost of caffeine that suppresses hunger. Also, coffee has been shown to stimulate thermo genesis, which heats up the body and boosts metabolism. Just be careful about what you add to your coffee — stick to skim milk and very little sugar.

5. Skim milk

Milk is an excellent source of lean protein, vitamin D, and calcium that can help build your muscles and keep your bones strong. Opt for low-fat or skim milk for all of the vitamins without the added fat. If you are feeling indulgent, add a little chocolate — low-fat chocolate milk is a great option for post-workout muscle recovery.

Osiyan School of Business Management and Animation


Want to slim down fast for that beach vacation or high school reunion? While there are many things you can do to shed pounds, losing weight too quickly, like any sudden change to your body, can be dangerous. While fad diets, diet pills, and fasting may indeed induce rapid weight loss, these methods can cause you to lose muscle and may also injure your heart and other organs fairly quickly. The best solution? Don't go for an overnight miracle. Instead, follow these steps to lose fat rapidly, healthily, and sustainably.
1.Determine your daily calorie intake.. CLICK HERE

Pickled cabbage, best natural Viagra

Say goodbye to Viagra, for experts have discovered a more natural way of boosting life in bed—cabbage.
According to Croatian nutritionist Dr Lejla Kazinic Kreho, pickled cabbage nearly works the same wonders as the popular drug.
Boffins at King’s College, London, found that saurkraut played a powerful role during the research, reports the Daily Express.
for more..

How to Stretch

Stretching correctly will increase your flexibility, and reduce the risk of injuries caused by lesions of the connective tissues (such as the periosteum) and other nasty things. This guide shows a variety of techniques and its goal is to regroup every type of stretching which you may put in a routine of your own. Use the ones that suit your needs for the activities you do. Do not stretch if you are injured. This can only result in further injury.
Stretch your jaw. Incline your head back, rest your chin on your palm, then pull your jaw open. Say "Aaahh!" ...



Many people want to stay in shape and improve their health but have a difficult time maintaining a regimen that works for them. These simple steps will help you start a work out program that works for you and will enable you to continue even when you don't feel like making it to the gym.
1.Don't drink your calories:..For more CLICK HERE

How to be fit and sexy

Ever wonder to be a fit,sexy person do you like to be like that then this article is for you!!!
1.Exercise is the most important thing to do try jogging, running, jumping doing a sport etc.
2.Be self controlled ... For more CLICK HERE

How to Treat a Cramped Muscle

Cramps are painful spasms in a muscle and are often caused by overuse, dehydration, or nutritional deficiencies. The techniques listed below detail some methods for treating cramped muscles. Any of the techniques below can be done alone or in conjunction with others listed.
STEPS Drink fluids, preferably ...... CLICK HERE